Thursday, August 19, 2010

EOC Week 6: Jerry Metellus

At the Art Institute the students in the photography major in what they want to do with their career. Today there was a time when I was considering not coming in just to hear a speech. Then a wise little birdie told me that hearing this guy give a speech was completely worth it and I could not miss it. That wise little birdie was completely right. Photography while it isn’t my chosen career is such a big part of fashion and vice versa, I am absolutely glad I did not miss this. Hearing a real person who has been in the business and knows this business means that much more to me than just learning about people. We hear what they did, with their art. Today we heard about how fun and even rewarding our careers can be but we also learned that at the end of the day it is show business not just show. Marketing yourself doesn’t have to be huge to start with. In fact, all you really have to do is talk, show your work, and work like a dog; when you do you learn and find the next step, what comes next. Another thing I learned is just the attitude of not putting any person above you or yourself above anyone. The teams photographers have on set are there for a reason. I learned that today, you can’t do everything by yourself and it will help to have a team you can trust and get along with behind you. Having that team with you or behind you is necessary. Yet despite having said team you must always handle your business yourself and never seem at all desperate. Thank you to Jerry Metellus for opening our eyes to a reality we needed to see. Also for his humor and honesty and time spent here with us today.

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