Thursday, August 12, 2010

EOC Week 5: Ad Categories

There are many kinds of advertisements. Three of the many categories are Fantasay, Misdirection, and Slice of Life.

Fantasy: People find fantasy compelling and a Mexican Ad agency hit the target by advertising the PS3 by letting you know of the possibility of fighting villains that have the mother- in- laws head on them.

Misdirection: You think its going one way but it goes in a completely different direction. Like the Heineken campaign of "For a Fresher world." We think it's one of those "go green" commercials and it's actually for beer. What a world we live in.

Slice of Life: This is actually one of the most effective categories of advertisements is the Slice of Life in which it shows something of an actual life experience. When you see an Oreo advertisement like this one you remember the taste of an Oreo cookie as a kid and how you too wanted to stuff a hundred cookies in your mouth at one time. Anyone else want a cookie?

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